March, 2024


despite being done with the game already sometimes i pick it back up because it's on the phone emulator. anyways i came back to do more stuff



cleared purity forest with a lv. 4 alakazam! i think i’m done with this game for now and in the near future at least. i didn’t recruit all legendaries or pokemon because it’s too exhausting but i completed the row of legendaries that appear on the save file in the menu screen. aka i got all the mini side-stories from postgame and the entire main story finished!



no one told me the grovyle sprite was so desaturated in this game. i understand why they pushed the saturation of his sprite in the explorers games LOL he would Not have been visible in the environments he’s on

February, 2024


finished the gengar storyline. man. these games are so charming


beat silver trench and got lugia which was an awful awful experience i hate this so much. i love lugia but Why was this so awful


suicune did not stand a chance against my bullet seed level 41 chikorita. postgame is making me love it. it has gone to almost all the postgame dungeons. sorry to my partner cyndaquil


finished the main story today! playing explorers and then this one makes it very clear this was their first PMD. it’s a very cute game but definitely could have been more than what it ended up being. i think they were figuring out what they could make and get away with here rather than focusing on making a tight gaming experience and a more fleshed out narrative. the music is a banger though i think that was the most consistently good part of this


got at like floor-20 something of the final dungeon but realized a few floors before that i Deeply Fucked Up by Not bringing any elixirs. i just closed the game and restarted from the savefile before going inside to not lose any items LOL rip progress though 😔


finished the fugitives arc, team base got renovated too! i feel like the game finally rewarded me for being a chikorita with an area that has a lot of grass gummis.. so much of this game has been flying type bosses or other enemies that use moves effective against grass LOL. thankfully i got a good moveset and partner so i haven’t run into issues but it is stressful to know i have the type disadvantage all the time

January, 2024


unlocked the zapdos dungeon.. haven’t entered it yet though. this game makes me so tired i HATE giving gummis to my characters it is truly an awful experienceeeeeee


first boss beaten! really easy actually, thanks sleep seed and ember 👍



i loooove the watercolor artwork in the menu the old pokemon artstyle has its charm.
got chikorita as a starter which will be awful because i think most of these game’s bosses are flying types?? hopefully my smokescreen-knower cyndaquil saves my ass in these clutch moments



after 6 hours i can finally be a teacher


i’m playing on the easiest difficulty but i love to grind so i played the mock battle twice LOL. my free time is so being wasted



i lied actually. i did try a new fire emblem after really disliking what i played of sov.




finally got all of the 7 treasures! also only evolved my main characters once because i prefer how they look in the middle stage both visually and thematically. i also got up to the 3 star expert rank, missing only the guildmaster rank but i just don't have the patience to get all those points LOL
in terms of actual stuff to do, i didn't finish any of the Zero Isle challenges or recruit all the legendaries. optional fan challenges like recruiting every single pokémon and kecleon are too much for me so i won't even try
also: i never used wonder mail codes during my entire playthrough. i felt tempted, but chose not to :-)


December, 2023


only missing 2 treasures, go to marine resort and once i do that i’ll evolve my starters. when they evolve i will move on to another game!