I want to preface this review by saying I have a negative bias when it comes to this game. My brother and I were rabid fans of The Walking Dead when Survival Instinct released and were more than excited to get our hands on it. The disappointment felt upon popping this game into the PlayStation 3 and playing through the first few levels, however, is likely the first true disappointing gaming experience I had ever had up to that point in my short life. I have since revisited the game as an older gamer, but it is still just as disappointing as ever. Over the years I believe my disappointment has turned to hatred and that hatred boiled over into this review. Sorry in advance.

The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, released in 2013 for the PlayStation 3 and other home consoles, is nothing short of a trainwreck. While the game attempts to capitalize on the popularity of The Walking Dead franchise, it falls far short of even the lowest of expectations for a piece of media set in that universe. It's an absolute mess in nearly every aspect, a pitiful disgrace to both the gaming industry and the franchise it attempts to leech off of, and a slap in the face to fans of the show or comic book.

The gameplay in Survival Instinct is a horrendous exercise in boredom, tedium, and frustration, an endless repetition of sneaking around and dispatching the same zombie models over and over again. Furthermore, navigating its barren wasteland of a game world is akin to wading through a Georgia swamp - slow and boring. The game attempts to be a first-person shooter that captures the essence of the TV series, but fails to do that even at the lowest of levels. The clunky controls make aiming difficult with any weapon you equip, and the AI (whether friend or foe) is more brain-dead than the zombie hordes you are tasked with dispatching. Speaking of the zombies, you'll often find yourself simply running past them instead of smashing in their skulls because it's not worth engaging with them.

As for story, the game attempts to be a prequel to the TV series, following arguably the most popular character from the show, Daryl Dixon, as he embarks on a journey to find his older brother, Merle. However, the story is paper-thin, lacks any depth, and is really devoid of any worthwhile substance. Daryl, Merle, or any other character in the game are so underdeveloped and the story writing so painfully lackluster, that the game is unable to provide any insight into the personalities or motivations of anyone. By the end of it all we are really left with the same two characters the game begins with, as neither undergoes any significant growth. Furthermore, the character traits on display for each brother are either hot-headedness or assholeness, there is no inbetween. Anything more than that surface level analysis is far too deep for the writing of Survival Instinct. The game honestly feels more like a fan-made, low-budget spin-off than an official installment.

Even in 2013, the graphics on display here are subpar at best and atrocious at worst. Character models are bland and reminiscent of the PlayStation 2, environments lack detail and are uninspired reused atypical apocalyptic backdrops, and the presentation is just plain unattractive. It fails to capture the gritty and horrifying atmosphere of The Walking Dead, making the game even less engaging for fans of the series.

While the voice acting is serviceable (even though it lacks any nuisance of emotion), the repetitive and uninspired soundtrack contributes to the overall feeling of mediocrity. You won't find any memorable tunes or earworms here, which is a shame for a franchise known for its chilling and emotionally charged soundscapes. Survival Instinct truly falls short as a game based on a horror franchise as the sound design is anything but subtle. The grunts, groans, and shuffling of zombies is always so loud that you’ll never guess where they are and never once find yourself surprised by their appearance except for the obligatory jump scares.

The lack of variety in both gameplay and story, as well as the numerous technical glitches, make Survival Instinct an excruciatingly dull and frustrating game to play through for the first time. There's virtually no incentive to replay it once you've suffered through it once.

In summary, The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is a shameful attempt to cash in on a beloved franchise. It's a prime example of a rushed and poorly executed licensed game that tarnishes the reputation of The Walking Dead. There are plenty of great games based on this universe, but this is not one of them. If you're a fan of The Walking Dead, steer clear of this abomination, and if you're a fan of video games in general, do yourself a favor and invest your time and money elsewhere.

Reviewed on Oct 18, 2023
