Ridge Racer is an arcade racing game released for the PlayStation Portable in December 2004. As one of the first games I purchased for my PSP, it has always held some nostalgia for me. Replaying it now in 2023, however, I can see that my nostalgic love for this title was not ill placed.

The first portable outing for Ridge Race is truly a success. The graphics and gameplay from the other games in the series are ported beautifully to the PSP. From stunning sunsets to glistening paintjobs, Ridge Racer is no slouch when it comes to pushing the PSP's graphical capabilities. The gameplay is tight and responsive, with the series' drift mechanic translating seamlessly over to the PlayStation handheld. The introduction of the new NOS mechanic in the game is also fun, and adds an extra layer of depth to the races that I feel was missing in prior titles.

While there are several racing games on the PSP, none capture the magic that Ridge Racer presents for me. It's presentation is second to none and drifting around corners and blasting past opposing racers never gets old. Overall, I believe Ridge Racer more than deserves its spot as one of the best games on the PSP.

Reviewed on Aug 03, 2023
