This review was written before the game released

"Hey guys, remember what we did to all those women? It doesn't matter anymore, we've just made a sequel to our most anticipated game of the last decade? No its not Diablo its Overwatch 2."

"We added 3 new heroes and reworked a few as well as adding maps to give you ultimate Overwatch experience. We've also added a paid battle pass, all the heroes are behind an unlock wall and the skins you could get for free in Overwatch now cost £16. But hey at least its free to play right?? We're delaying the Story Mode to 2023."

This is probably the biggest sequel dissapointment in history. As someone who played OW for a while (100+ hrs) as well as have friends who are big fans of the game this feels all the while confusing on why they made this. After playing the beta I just enjoyed the overall experience of the first one more and now with all the micro-transactions it has me extremely worried. The fact that the game literally changed itself to OW2 on my Xbox is extremely concerning. This just feels like a reskinned cash grab that a shitty company is trying to convince us that it's good again. If your own fans don't agree with the way you're making this, then who is this for?

but hey the porn is good so yknow

edit: for those who haven't seen my comment, this is me mostly complaining about blizzard's shitty way of treating fans and the game itself, rate the game whatever you want!

Reviewed on Oct 04, 2022


1 year ago

Oh yes. The "3 minutes in" review. You don't need to flash that big "backer" pc cock on us, show us some pity!

1 year ago

i literally talk about how I dont like the game because as a whole is represents everything bad with blizzard and modern F2P game design and how i feel insulted as an overwatch fan please read reviews next time

1 year ago

I did, and I say it's unrealistic to expect a sequel to offer a massive enough update with it's reliance on resources. Even Gundam Evolution has worse predatory practices and I'd still play that game without spending a penny for the fact it is free. All your Overwatch 1's account progress transfer to the sequel cuz the devs realize it's just a major update to the original.

Game has been out for 1 hour and you gave it no chance to play and rated lowly anyway. I too may have played and rated prematurely, but not straight up not played. But hey, you're free to do so. It just adds to my paradigm that anyone who pays for any online service is a loser.

1 year ago

look dude, obviously my review has just pissed you off in some way, i dont know if your passionate about OW or not but this review is coming from someone who has a fan since early 2017. I have been here for this game and I have rated this game low as this game is nothing but a "fuck you" to the fans. i am (unfortunately) entitled to rate a game low that its entire existence just feels to be there to annoy me.

also dude its backloggd its not like my singular opinion is going to kill blizzard

1 year ago

Fair. Also I'm rather pissed this is my only getaway to playing a proper hero-shooter since Paladins is dying and Gundam Evolution is region locked. No, TF2 is not the same, but I'll give it a go one day.
Also you seem more sensible than those play bootlicker to a site's policy cuz you made a subscription. So yea, sorry for calling you a loser.

1 year ago

God I'm so hasty. So many typos, but I hope the sentiment reaches you.

1 year ago

its alright man idm, I've been there before defending games that I've seen controversial reviews of. to anyone out there: rate it whatever you want. ow2 will most likely be a great game if you've never played the game before and want to try it out, the reason why this review is negative is because I personally don't agree with the game's intentions and how it was made as someone who was stuck with it for a while. but hey, please don't take mu opinion personally because I gave fallout 3 a 5/5 and that speaks volumes

1 year ago

The porn will have a bigger lasting impact than the actual Overwatch 2 game. Hey Activision, we didn't forget all the horrid shit you've done to your employees.

1 year ago

Thank you The Dog Ending from Silent Hill 2