It's fine. People clamoring for this to be "best indie of 2022" are a little off their rockers, IMO. This is like 50% of the way to what I would think the best version of this concept could be. It's very haphazard, clearly largely slapped together. A game that does everything this game is doing and adds visual polish, mechanical polish, more depth and a little bit more player agency in choices would really be remarkable enough to impress me. The first few hours are also not good at all, it takes a little too long to get to the "actual pop-off" moment, and then past that moment very little changes beyond just sort of squeezing more particle FX varieties out.

It was very satisfying as a way to give me the bare minimum of interaction to enjoy something while listening to video essays for like 30 hours, so a solid B on that front.

Reviewed on Jan 24, 2023
