Sorry to the dev, they are a VERY brilliant level designer, but I can't in good conscience "recommend" this game because it's just not going to be accessible to the vast majority of players, even people who love and play a lot of platformers or even first-person platformers. There is a small audience of players who either: 1. are good enough to not make mistakes consistently, 2. have the patience to replay content dozens and dozens of times when they do make small mistakes.

This is the first time I've tried a game like this knowing it would probably try my patience too much, and I did really enjoy the time I spent with it, but it's disheartening to me to feel like I'd be another 15+ hours of replaying the same content to get to the end because I don't have the ability to not make small mistakes in games (I'm 32, I know what my hands are capable of, they make little slip-ups once per 10-15 minutes, it's just how things go).

I got to ~290m after 13 hours of playing, and I'm just tired of replaying some sections of this game too much to consider continuing. My friends who are still playing are at 300-350m and regularly falling back down to 150m, requiring hours of replay just to get to the last failed jump. That's by design, obviously, but I don't think very many people will have the patience to get to the top if it takes 15+ hours of mostly replaying previous content to do so.

Great game feel, great camera setup, and, as stated above, absolutely brilliant level design. Looking for shortcuts is pretty fun, many sections I've replayed a dozen times I absolutely loved for some amount of time, but emotionally the negative feeling of falling to 100m-150m has grown to the point of completely ruining any enjoyment of playing the game.

Would love to play something similar from the developer that has a different approach to losing progress or gives more difficulty options or control to the player, their level design sensibilities are immensely good.

Level Design: 9/10
Locomotion Design: 8/10
Accessibility: 1/10

Reviewed on Apr 27, 2023


1 year ago

third type of person in the audience for this are people who played a lot of minecraft parkour as teenagers

5 months ago

yeah if you've played minecraft it's second nature :P my run took me 10 hours to complete. But for the uninitiated I could see all the ladder and ice and "around the block" jumps being annoying.