The fundamental premise is very cool, and I think it has a lot of promise, but it's not quite there right now. I may open this up again when it's out of early access and see what kind of content was added, but as it stands, it's pretty shallow, it doesn't feel like there are very many viable builds, and there also just aren't that many builds available in the first place.

A lot of the balls and a lot of the items are a combination of uninteresting and completely worthless, which gives the sense that the designers just don't have a super good sense of how to make the game exciting. I won my first few runs where I got past Floor 1 pretty easily. After that, it was either a random chance whether I could even beat Floor 1 (it's basically an auto-lose on Mini-Boss rooms on Floor 1), and then it's random whether I could get all the tools required to survive the last boss. It really appeared that the only viable survivability build was stacking health regen on refreshing the board.

Reviewed on Jul 31, 2023
