I'm conflicted.
On the one hand, I do not have any idea how web-swinging gets any better than this. The gameplay is incredibly fun, especially anything with the symbiote, MJ missions are fun as hell, Kraven as a villain is suave and intimidating, and the boss fights are all incredible. HOWEVER. I have some big issues with this game, especially narratively. Miles is infantilized for, like, most of the game. He has to write his paper for the entire thing, he's so scared anyone could be mad at him for even the tiniest thing, even some of his voice lines make him sound like an eleven year old for some reason. Venom and the 'symbiote army' or whatever are barely even in this--to the point where I would almost have preferred this just be a Kraven game and maybe we can get venom in the next one or something. It's all just crammed into the last two hours of the story for some reason and it does not have nearly enough room to breathe and feel really impactful. Having Harry randomly go missing is such a stupid idea when he could've had much more impact if he wasn't just hiding in some dank sewer somewhere. Why does Rio Morales have almost as much screentime as Venom does? Why does MARTIN FUCKING LI have more screentime than Venom in a game where Venom is obviously supposed to be portrayed as the main villain based on all the marketing?? Why does Martin Li need to be here at all? So Miles can "grow into his own" as Spider-Man? THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT OF MILES MORALES??? Why are there huge gaps of almost nothing happening in between major story beats? The way the story is paced out is so schizophrenic and weirdly done that it legitimately dampens the experience of what could be a great story if given so much more time to breathe. I like it a lot, especially gameplay wise and mechanically, but the story kind of falls apart--not because of "the woke agenda" or whatever because that is even fucking stupider, it's just not written well.

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2024
