The deranged mechanical apex of the roguelite. The wham-line of "every pixel is simulated" kind of implies a gimmick game, but Noita's fusion of spellcraft and chemistry makes for a very compelling experience. The "spell programming" system is insanely opaque, but also incredibly powerful. The interactions between materials, attacks, and enemies are unpredictable and have to be carefully observed to be understood. The map is absolutely gargantuan and the game adamantly refuses to explain anything, relying 100% on the intuition of the player.

It's probably the most willfully obtuse game I've ever played. It has the highest "entry cost" for learning that I've seen in any roguelite. This is a tricky design space and many will hate it, but the reward for careful observation and reckless experimentation is one of the deepest, most surprising and just pure fun roguelites of all time.

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2022
