Big improvement over Peril on Gorgon. Tries to do something completely different within the established world of the game, that of solving a murder. The investigation is fun, and is a good fit for the game! Hell, I want a detective RPG now. The 'world' you explore is completely different from anything in the base game, which compared to the boring blue lump that was Gorgon feels like actual content worth playing. Eridanos is as memorable as Nuka World or Toussaint in terms of taking us somewhere new.

Not all the investigation is as good as it could be. Pointing your 'clue gun' around to sniff out evidence is fun at first, but using it to scout footprints is not fun at all. Following footprints is used a few times and is never fun, it's a case of just walking around whilst looking at the floor, whilst occasionally swapping out the 'gun' for an actual weapon to fight another swarm of beasties.

The culprit of the murder becomes incredibly obvious in one of those 'secret mastermind'-trope kinda ways, but there are still a few twists in the tale.

Also, cut-scenes! If The Outer Worlds felt like a proof of concept for a bigger game, then this DLC felt like a continuation, adding some more elements like these that SHOULD make The Outer Worlds 2 a fleshed out 5/5 experience.

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2021
