This is a solid game. I even think that the combat system is great, and I would definitely like to see it expanded upon in a future title with hopefully a bigger budget and scope, as this game is very short, with only 3 levels, 4 main missions and a few side missions that do include unique bosses, however other than the bosses these side quests go the Nioh route of making you traverse the level you already did, but backwards. The bosses themselves were overall very good, with large and varied movesets, but I wish that there was more options with how you can deal with these moves.
The game has an interesting twist on Sekiro's prosthetic tool mechanic, where you can rip a move out of the enemy and use it against them, this was fun and I found it to be very useful when clearing out large groups of enemies, and taking down some of the mini bosses. There is also a twist on the posture mechanic, where parrying dealt wound damage, whcih allowed you to use a special claw move that deals a large chunk of damage to the enemy. Finding ways to integrate these moves into my combos was one of the most satisfying parts of Thymesia.

The level design is fairly sprawling, although slightly subpar, as I never felt much incentive to explore too much due to the lack of meaningful items to find.

Overall this is a solid game, one of the better soulslike's, and this combat system is very fun and has a lot of potential. If your a Sekiro fan I would recommend when it goes on sale, as the current price is quite high for the small amount of content you get.

Reviewed on Aug 30, 2022
