Magicube is one of the simplest and hardest puzzle games I've ever played. You play a wizard who can push blocks, jump 1 tile high, and shoot a magic cube that comes into existence against whatever object it hits and replaces any previous magic cube you had made. The goal is to get the magic cube on a pedestal. There's a handful of mechanics introduced as the levels progress -- skulls that stop bricks but not you, buttons that make barriers appear while something is on top of them, etc, but that's it.

The levels are tiny and look like they'll be easy, but they almost never are. The solutions to the levels require you to understand every interaction (e.g. what happens if you're standing in a barrier when it's created?) and frequently seem impossible at first glance. It legitimately feels excellent when you finally figure it out, though!

It's taken me 12 hours to finish 34/50 puzzles, but I've started hitting the point where I'll turn on the game for half an hour and feel like I haven't achieved anything. I really like the game and plan to eventually finish it, but I'm going to at least shift the focus of my puzzle time to some easier games for now.

Reviewed on Apr 09, 2024
