This game is just amazing, and is the best Kirby game in my book (although Return to Dreamland and Super Star Ultra are close runner ups). Robobot has every component that makes a Kirby game great: a wide variety of fun copy abilities to use (even including some that aren't that common nowadays, like mirror), collectibles that are challenging to find but cool to collect, and a new gimmick to add some more spice to the old Kirby formula. Out of all the gimmicks in the Kirby games, the robobot suit is probably the second best behind combing abilities in 64. Every robobot copy ability is essentially a brand new moveset, and still gives the feeling of being much more powerful than normal copy abilities without having you completely stop all your momentum and the flow of the level like super copy abilities in Return to Dreamland. As for the subgames, Metaknightmare returns and 3d rumble, while not the best in the series, are still solid and fun with 3d rumble showing Kirby's first official departure into 3d besides Air Ride. What really makes this game truly great however are the references and fanservice. While Kirby games have started to incorporate a lot more fanservice since this game, this was the first game to do it in really substantial ways. This is still by far the best use of fanservice I've ever seen in a video game however. It's not like pokemon where there are randomly pokemon from older generations (like in gen 6 when you just get a free gen 1 starter) with little to no explanation. All of the older things/characters that reappear in this game make sense as to why they're reappearing, and fit in with the game's context and story. It's hard to say too much without spoiling a lot, but as a kirby fan I remember being audibly amazed at just how cool some of the references were. Normally I would say that this would be a great first game to get into the series, but this game can honestly only be done justice when you've played a lot of the games before it. If this is the only one you're interested in playing then go ahead, but if you plan on playing any kirby game prior to this then please do so before playing through this one. Overall just a fantastic game and Kirby at its best.

Reviewed on Apr 28, 2021

1 Comment

9 months ago

Best kirby game huh