Hey gamers

I platinumed this one today as well.

Pretty good game. It's a well-done and natural progression of the first game with additions and improvements to your skills, the nemesis system, quests, and the world. Nowhere near lore accurate but I don't care if media strays from its source material. The caragor riding theme goes hard as balls.

I would say that my biggest issue is that, despite taking 30 hours to platinum it, it's too long. Aside from the main quests, the entire game revolves around capturing and defending forts with your army. It's exciting the first time or two, but it gets stale pretty quick. I started this game twice, but I shelved it when I reached Gorgoroth both times because I got annoyed that I had to go through yet another round of dominating captains and warchiefs then attacking the fort. Playing it this time, I just picked back up where I left off the last time. 4 regions is probably one too many (5 if you count Minas Ithil). The first game had the perfect amount of regions for the depth of the nemesis system, that being two. You're introduced to the system in Udûn, killing captains for runes, then you learn how to dominate captains in Núrn, deciding whether to kill or dominate the captains you come across. In Shadow of War, once you claim your first fort, it's the same procedure for the other three, not to mention the plethora of forts from other players' games you have to attack if you're interested in the online mode. I'm glad they greatly reduced the Shadow Wars endgame when they removed the microtransactions because that would've been unbearable.

Reviewed on Sep 17, 2023
