I was so ready to call this a misunderstood game. Not even masterpiece or really good, just... good.

First of all, the combat is absolute dogshit. More clunky than Kingdom Hearts 1, and even more weightless than Kingdom Hearts 3. Magic is laughable and you rely in the amount of shininess on screen to discern whatever is happening.

The story is supposed to be this cathartic hero's journey: from zero to king hero. But at the same time, Noctis (and us) are so detached from what is going on that it hits Evangelion-Shinji-like levels of "do I have to care about any of this?"

So... What is left? Leisure time, right? A vast open-world, to forget about duty and roam around with your friends! ... Right?

European legends and kings, lying below the surface of the American landscapes. A total disconnection that permeates all. A world you do not traverse, because there is no driving. There are cinematics in the car where you can move the camera. All that is left are chores. Fishing is a mini-game chore. Food is an afterthought that looks good and raises stats. You build friendship by osmosis, by amount of time together and by little phrases here and there that are supposed to show character (?). If not for the photos made by Prompto (that is a good system in my opinion), I would be without connection to this world and people.

So no duty. Where to go? Nowhere. What to do, but nothing? A vast amount of empty. Who are this people? I have a faint idea. It asks for you to be in a place, but I don't recognise anything around me, not even myself.

A game of nonexistence.

Reviewed on Dec 31, 2021
