While I still have the post game to go, I have seen the credits roll on Legends Arceus. And my god, what an absolutely fantastic game this is. This is up there with HGSS, Platinum, and Gen 5 for me. But what makes Legends Arceus so great?

It is truly hard to describe why this game resonates so much with me. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of flaws here. The graphics are a bit rough (not ugly, not stunning), there could be more trainer battles, and there is a little bit of jank at times when it comes to several aspects of the game.

But everything else here is so damn addicting and fresh. Pokémon desperately needed a change to the formula. While some entries tried to innovate here and there, particularly Sun and Moon, Legends Arceus blows up everything that we thought Pokémon could be.

I won't go over every single change or new mechanic that Legends Arceus throws at you, but we get new battle mechanics, new balancing, open world exploration, wild Pokémon that you can sneak up on and catch without battling, and so much more. It is sort of a mix between open world and Monster Hunter-esc areas that have their own ecosystems and Pokémon to catch.

Because of the Pokémon being in the world for you to approach and catch in a myriad of ways, I actually want to complete the Pokedex in this game. That's something that I have never really wanted to do in a Pokémon game before.

The story and characters are also great in this game. While it is nothing groundbreaking, its very entertaining and the writing is sharp. I know some people complain about the lack of voice acting, and maybe this is just nostalgia talking, but I don't really think the game needs it. The writing is good, wholesome, and entertaining throughout the whole ride.

I just couldn't put this game down. Is it perfect? Hell no. There definitely needs to be some improvements if GameFreak plans on making this the new standard for Pokémon games. Which they absolutely should. This game has made me fall in love with Pokémon again; as if I'm 9 years old playing Pokémon Ruby again for the first time. Don't listen to people trying to review bomb this game simply because whiny Pokémon fans can never be pleased. Legends Arceus is easily the best Pokémon game on the Switch and proves that the future is bright for Gen 9.

Game Freak, don't make this a side series. Every Pokémon game from here on out needs to build upon this amazing foundation you have laid out here.

Reviewed on Feb 02, 2022


I'd say this is closer to S/M for me

2 years ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 do you mean in terms of quality?
uh sure, in terms of the score I give it but yeah in terms of quality I suppose

2 years ago

@MrPowerfulJeans Glad to see someone else is being hit with the nostalgia too! It’s def a powerful game for those who grew up with the series at the right time.