∓ "Best Aspects/Selling Points”
The art style instantly hooked me in the trailer and the game delivers on it and more. Beautiful & clean environments, adorable characters, and smooth (and informative) animations.
Collecting the instruction manual pages provides for some interesting game mechanics & story reveals. Never really seen anything like that. And solving the logic and puzzles in the overworld & instruction manual make you feel like a genius.
Lofi soundtrack is delightful and is bound to become my background music as I do work.

• "I could take it or leave it"
Difficulty spikes - I don't hate the difficulty of this game but I can absolutely see why it's a common complaint, especially with boss encounters. Standard enemies/combat can be challenging but nothing shocking. But multiple boss encounters took me roughly an hour apiece.

- "Could Use Improvements"
A few too many “Souls” ideas borrowed. I would have like to be able to pause to manage my inventory (to change weapons upon encountering a boss for the first time for instance) but trying to do so with enemies around basically guarantees death.

Reviewed on Apr 06, 2022
