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definitely a wild ride. i feel like i bonded with the protagonist..... i'm always just distraught, standing there and looking around the room too.

edit: i feel like this review is too jokey. so here goes again: yes this game is an FMV game and has all of the issues that come with it, but it's remarkably smooth for a 90s point and click, and the team really wanted to have a game that was frightening and mature. at times the violence against women seems gratuitous, but I think the fear Williams is getting at is the fear of seeing a boyfriend or a husband transform by jealousy into something violent and unrecognizable. Adrienne and Don's relationship turns from one based on love to one about control. a poignant plot detail is that Adrienne almost leaves the house before the final confrontation and decides not to when she remembers how good her relationship with Don was, but staying in the house is what leads to her killing Don. the theme of abusive husbands is what keeps it tied to reality and gives the frights power.

I have some small nitpicks and compliments too--cyrus and his mom (oops what is her name) are a bit uncomfortable in their characterization and don't provide the comic relief the writers think they do. on the flip side, the scene where the mom coughs up talking goo is fucking awesome. also, I love the bizarre 3d renders of fake Maine.... I love Nipawomsett

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2023
