Pros: Beautiful looking game, essentially hand-drawn 2D classic Disney animation. That's the star, for sure. But it also has a very fun gimmick that keeps you wanting to see what comes next, as each stage is a different Mickey cartoon short, starting with the oldest (Steamboat Willie), and ending with the newest (at the time, Prince and the Pauper). It's a great motivator to keep you trucking along to the closing credits. And, after you beat the game you're rewarded with a message of (spoilers, heh) there being a new Mickey Mouse short in development! That short ended up being Runaway Brain, a highly entertaining and well animated Mickey short where it begins with Mickey himself playing a video game (perhaps a small nod to Mania!)

Cons: Level design isn't the best, not the worst, but it has enough annoying moments... Hit detection also isn't great, and sometimes the extra frames of animation make that even more difficult, in a not-a-good way. The SNES version also is missing an entire stage, which is a bummer. And it's missing some effects that the other console versions contain. Also... this game has loading screens... On SNES... C'mon.

What it means to me: As a little baby (yeah, I'm goin' all the way back) Mickey Mouse was my first obsession, for some reason I just loved the little rodent, maybe it's what started my interest in cartoons and animation that I still have a passion for to this day. Anyway, this game was an easy sell, and it was an easy like.

Reviewed on Jun 17, 2023
