Pros: It's dark... and she's... perfect... Perfect Dark. Well, I wouldn't say perfect perfect, but it's damn near close! Building off of the Goldeneye engine, this is a brand new world created by Rare where the expansion pak is required for pretty much anything of note too! And there's a lot noteworthy here, the main campaign is compelling, high quality spy thriller, with cool weapons, great locations (the Chicago streets are a fav of mine, being a Chicago resident, and like, rainy city night with neon lights reflecting in the streets, such a great vibe, and it has the best music in the game too! ) and plenty of neat gameplay moments. One thing I really liked about the campaign, is that it's entirely 2-player co-op! Not something you'd see very often for games of this caliber back then! Another nice feature I liked in the single player mode, was the hub of Carrington Institute, an area where you could casually stroll about in, do trainings, change options (there are a lot of good controller settings in here too, like dual stick by holding two N64 controllers, one in each hand... where, might I add, the rumble pak will rumble in each controller separately for when you're dual wielding two guns in the game. Like, damn, that's such a nice touch!), and the institute is a great place to communicate with the other characters in the game. It's a nice vibe and setting.

The multiplayer, like Goldeneye before it, is where this game shines the brightest though! Tons of modes and customization options (including CPU characters called Sims, like Meat Sims and such, that you can change the attributes of. Precursor to what everyone refers to as "bots" these days), where you gun battle it out in a handful of different arenas. The new guns are the star of the show, my favorites among them being the Laptop Gun, a gun you can throw onto the side of the wall, where any person that walks by it will trigger the sensor and get blasted to smithereens! And my other favorite is the FarSight XR-20, a gun that gives you heat vision, and x-ray vision, that allows you to shoot through walls right into the warm bodies across the maps!! It's pretty crazy stuff! And that's the benefit of a futuristic setting, they get to have fun with wacky new inventions!

Cons: FPS games aren't my bread and butter, and personally, I do experience motion sickness from them, so I can't play them for very long periods. I have that issue with this game, but like, I have that issue with every FPS pretty much too. Unless they offer third person modes. Otherwise, this game is fantastic... Though I do wish they would've included the Game Boy Camera transfer pak feature of taking pictures of your face and putting them on random players in the game.

What it means to me: This was a game I played a bunch with my brothers, and typically I wouldn't play these types of games very often, but because it included a co-op feature, it was much easier for me to jump in on the fun! And I'm glad I did, it's a super high quality title, which of course it is, it's made by Rare, in the N64 era. They were unstoppable!! Also, I had a lot of fun finding all of the cheese wedges hidden in every stage, heh, those cheeky Brits...

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2023
