An okay Doom-clone that does very little to stand out. The controls are good but pushing buttons is so awkward, having to stand right up to the buttons or doors to open them. Compound that with a unlikable protagonist in Kyle Katarn. At the beginning you hear him joke "A new stormtrooper that can take out a rebel base that quickly? I should've kept working for the empire." after seeing people being killed by the empire. I honestly prefer Rogue One over this, especially after Andor. Jyn Erso and Cassion Andor are far more interesting characters than Kyle Katarn. The cutscenes over all I like, it has a nice visual aesthetic. The most interesting thing i find in this is the main antagonist in Rom Mohc, a general who fought in the Clone Wars. I find it interesting because this game came out in 1995, about 7 years before Attack of the Clones came out and showed how the Clone Wars started. I wonder what the writer thought the Clone Wars was before writing this, because I could honestly see this guy in the current canon. To bad the boss fight with him was pretty underwhelming. One thing I'm glad that carried over into the canon was the Dark Trooper. Their designs are really cool and I'm glad they appeared in The Mandolorian. The level design is kind of crap. A good map should point to where your supposed to go, nonlinear or otherwise. I had to look up playthroughs to see what I was missing, which isn't a great sign. Overall, I had a decently fun time, but it could have been so much more.

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2023
