i'll mark this as "completed" once i have made a character of each class, fully leveled.

this is my favorite game ever, and my first mmorpg. ragnarok online is quite a party-based mmorpg that has plenty of kind players with an incredible soundtrack and great character customization (at least in the servers i've played). a game in which i can really enjoy the grind and just the scenery in general, i really like taking screenshots of the many places ro has to offer with my characters.

i enjoy the aspect of partying up to raid a dungeon a ton, it's always super fun, it's also very fun to kill hard mvps with your party, it is practically impossible to do it solo so there's strategy involved.

if there is a complain i would make, it would be 2:
- the UI scaling
- the massive incompetence of gravity as a whole

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2023

1 Comment

27 days ago

wait i just fuciking realized i marked it as completed although i hve not completed it