While I may never get to experience the original Splatoon, the sequel offers roughly the same content with refined game mechanics and bigger personality. You won't be missing much unless you really care about the lore and various assets that didn't carry over. Online matches and team battles may be the name of the game, but most players will gravitate towards Salmon Run. It's one of the most interest modes in the game, where teamwork between online players against boss rushes can be exhilarating. The single player campaign is also a great introduction for players and continues the lore of the Splatoon franchise. As a mode however, it doesn't offer much reason to return past the first playthrough. Online matches can be arguably hit-or-miss as you can get stuck with awful players or young players who don't know what they're doing. Of course, let's not mention that you have to deal with spotty connection due to the NSO's lack of quality. Its friend system is also limiting if you don't have 3 friends at the ready, so it's a very underutilized function. Aside from aspects that are outside the game's control, its brimming personality gets your pumped to play every time and its slice of downtown keeps the vibes homey. Even after splatfests ended, I still found myself returning to this now and again. We'll see how its legacy continues on the third entry, but do enjoy this game while it's still relevant.

Reviewed on May 22, 2021
