When you boil this game down to what it is, Bugsnax is essentially a list of fetch-quests with some problem-solving mixed in. What you get out of it is what becomes more than that limited viewpoint, as you live and commune with the fellow Grumpuses to learn what's really going on at the island. It's not every day you get a game this wild in concept as catching sentient snacks, and it somehow sticks the landing. You can take pictures of em, find out their quirks and patterns, and you get the added collect-a-thon from pocket monster games. The biggest surprise the game offers is how unapologetically LGBT+ friendly it is, which was a fresh breath of air for me. While I won't talk too much on the story and other neat gimmicks the game includes, Bugsnax is very much best experienced with an open mind and a want for curiosity.

Reviewed on May 31, 2021
