As much as I love platformers and furry characters, I never played Ratchet & Clank up till now. After pushing through it, I want to like this game a lot more but it left me more frustrated than entertained. People's love for this game seems to hinge on nostalgia, because they don't ever seem to talk about some of the more clunky aspects of its gameplay. For one, it really didn't need this array of mediocre weaponry as only a few merited rotation. The mini-games seem to be an afterthought, hence why the bolt farming glitch possibly exists (and makes the final boss a goddamn breeze). While each world is small and contained, enemy rushes and an unclear checkpoint system make the later portion of the game a complete chore to get through. Having to trace back to previous worlds also feels like padding for a game that runs its welcome already. The saving grace of Ratchet & Clank is the worldbuilding, the cutscenes, the character arcs, and the political humor that has aged like wine. This is what I imagine makes the biggest impression and gives the drab experience some color and meaning. It's why I even bothered finishing this game at least. I hear the later entries improve on the negatives more but we will have to see when I get there. Overall, I can understand why this had the staying power it did but I'm not going to lie that this is one of the more clunkier 3D platformers on the system.

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2022
