i didnt hate the whacky route the previous game took like most people did, but i do hate this game. this game just takes everything too far. instead of the characters being who they were in previous entries, they're all just characterizations of themselves. "kinzie is smart, gat likes killing people" its like they forgot that these characters had more than one personality trait. as far as the gameplay goes its okay at best and boring and mind numbing at worst. the superpowers are cool for like half the main story until the mission design sees you doing the exact same thing constantly. the world is the same as 3 outside some stupid alien platforms they put in the sky. there's also zero replayability or anything to do once you beat the story. i haven't played gat out of hell (and i don't plan on it) but i hope they take the series in a better place next time

Reviewed on Aug 06, 2021
