why do all house flipper/home decorator games insist on the hyper-realistic artstyle. it just looks ugly. a lot of the actual decorating systems in this is pretty nice, and imo functions a lot nicer than the sims & house flipper. i like the way jobs are specific and how customers evaluate your score or commission especially if compared to house flipper. i love being able to flip between first and third person, and overall it just feels way better to set dress houses for whatever you want. i love the feel of cleaning and demolishing houses in house flipper, but the sims has always had a level of polish in actually placing down decor that nothing else could close to. i think hometopia hits pretty close to that for me, while still remaining very distinct and different. i've not seen/played enough to really rate it, but it has promise and i think that if enough of a community forms this could really be something i sink my time into. even if its just for set dressing houses for fun and never saving them.

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2023

1 Comment

8 months ago

i could see some mods making this a lot better, because i think my issues with the visuals isnt really ugly swatches/textures more than just how bad the lighting is. i dunno, i can't pinpoint it. its just harsh on the eyes.