My experience with this game was a bit tainted by the... less than ideal translation, but looking past that, I enjoyed the game and the characters a lot. Though the gameplay wasn't its strongest suit and I had to do it all through a guide, and also I got hit with a few bugs (one of which scared me into thinking i wouldn't be able to progress), I still enjoyed the playing experience.
One of my grievances is the amount of exposition about Zeno, like at some point I just wanted to go "...yes. We get it." because it was mostly all really repetitive and the new information gained was very minor. I can't really say anything about the dialogue, because once again, the translation itself is a bit wonky, but it felt unnatural at times. I'm sure it's better in the original language, however.
Even through all of that, I really did enjoy the characters a lot. A lot of moments tugged at my heartstrings, and some of the plot twists made my jaw drop irl, lmao.
I think it's a good game, overall. I do recommend it. And also, Kuro and Aka are very gay. Just wanted to mention that somewhere. Their relationship is great.

Reviewed on May 17, 2022
