another victory for women around the world

pairs beautifully with massive binge drinking

Liberty City looks like muddy gray-washed shit, the driving feels like a slip n slide, but the characters and story are still great

The game obviously looks fantastic and is impressive as fuck with how big the map is. Unfortunately, the huge map comes as a detriment due to 50% of the game being spent on horseback slowly making your way from one side of the map to the other. The story was amazing, but so goddamn long for no reason. You could remove a few of the middle chapters and the game would be the exact same, as there are huge stretches of just running from location to location because Dutch said so, with no real progression in the story. The realism aspect was kind of fun in the beginning, but quickly lost all meaning once I realized that keeping my camp stocked did nothing to effect how other people in the camp act. It was cute seeing Jack before he turned into a dickhead though.