obviously a well made game, good enough to have a professional scene. That being said, its dumb. Screen is too busy, the third person view is weird, and overall if i wanna play a moba and hate my life ill just play league

its clear a lot of time was spent making the dragons look nice and have combat feel good. a nice balance of cool looking and functional. however, online is boring. I think this would better function as a singleplayer game with a story behind it

small puzzle game focused on visuals and intuitive controls. game succeeds at spurring further recognition of a historical figure

it has been praised for its complex ecosystem. It's very clean, its scary, and I like it. It also makes you very frustrated, and sometimes stuck. However, at times controls don't feel the best, and for some that adds to the partial terror you feel from seeing an enemy.

very fucking fun. Graphics are bad in a good way and friends had a good time playing it