Well, they made the best Katamari game slightly better! Better framerate, a fine graphic update (although you can switch it back to the old look, which is appreciated), some good QoL changes, auto-save!!, pretty lazy-but-better-than-nothing new courses, and a wider selection of tunes with the (overpriced) DLC. The game itself is still truly great. Even though Keita didn't want to do a sequel I'm so glad he was involved with at least one of them. Some great courses, worlds, and especially tunes. I seriously think the soundtrack to this game is better than the original.

A few tiny irks with the remaster primarily involve audio differences, the draw distance, and the way the sea looks with the new graphics. But that doesn't distract me at all from giving my emotional 5/5 rating.

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2023
