P3R was my first taste of the Persona series, and oh man, this series is tough to love. While the JRPG elements and art style were intriguing at first, the casual bigotry, misogyny, and transphobia in both the game and its community quickly turned me off. The high school simulation aspect often felt cringe-worthy, with female characters falling into reductive stereotypes and written like a 13-year-old in heat, which highlights bigger issues within the series. The community's dismissive attitude towards these valid criticisms only makes the atmosphere more unwelcoming. Despite its okay story and gameplay, the blatantly bigoted moments and terrible writing reminded me why I was hesitant to dive into serious gaming for so long. Maybe I should stick to the niche corners of the internet, places that make room for everyone and not just japanophile men.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024

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