Metal Gear Solid 3 to me is arguably the greatest game ever made. I had that feeling 2 years ago when I played it for the first time and I have that same feeling now just after beating it again. I feel this game does everything it tries to do perfectly. You can disagree with the survival elements but even then I felt that was something enjoyable and gives a nice twist to the gameplay of the series. CQC is a new mechanic to the series that sticks with it for the rest of the way. It isn't too complicated but definitely adds to the main gameplay loop of the series, though I do feel it gets dumbed down throughout the series. The cast of MGS3 is so well rounded with no bad characters at all. Even a side character like Sokolov is well written and somebody you feel bad for throughout the game. The game has, in my opinion the best main character with Naked Snake (with bias of playing the future entries) and one of the best written characters ever The Boss. To me, MGS3 does everything right which is why it deserves all the praise it gets from fans.

Reviewed on Nov 05, 2023
