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I'm gonna say it. This was a good game. Think about it; the ability to switch between 4 characters on an NES game. If you gave this game even half a try you'd see that the game isn't really as hard as everybody makes it out to be. It's challenging, but not DARK SOULS level of impossible. The dam level also isn't that hard if you go into it prepared. This game really is about conservation. Donnie is your dude, Leo is your bro, Mikey is your side hoe, and Raph is your meat shield. This game is smart enough not to have all 4 turtles share a single health bar - so as long as you're skillful enough not to drain a single turtle's health down to 0, you could get pretty far into the game. Further than most people, I would think. There is this annoying design choice near the end though, and that's finding the final level: the Technodrome. The placement of the Technodrome ALL depend on what frame you pressed start on the title screen... I think. However the location is decided, it's not always guaranteed to be in the same spot every time. I believe the Technodrome is where the game really starts to heat up. Even with its difficulty, I still believe it's one of the better games on the NES.

Reviewed on Aug 17, 2023
