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I don't absolutely hate this game. But I also do not like it either. The story seemed to be moving at a decent (somewhat slow) pace but then suddenly ramped up to 11 after chapter 7. It also commits the cardinal storytelling sin of info dumping within the last few hours of the game. The majority of the story was nothing groundbreaking but I will admit, I did not see the twist coming. I found myself to enjoy the dynamic between Frey and Cuff and also found myself liking Frey. While incredibly abrasive and partially unnecessary, she felt like a real human from New York with her potty mouth lol.

The combat is incredibly flashy but can feel extremely clunky at times. Having no option to adjust camera distance in battle was frustrating because I could barely see anything around me while I tried to get in close using Sila's power. The evade hardly evaded attacks despite me evading on time and sometimes, attacks just simply couldn't be evaded because of an AoE. Couple that with the stamina gauge being an extreme hindrance in the early game, it's can seem hard to get the ball rolling.

One (slight) point I do want to give to this game is the world design. Praenost and Avoalet look absolutely gorgeous while Visoria was primarily just wide open fields, which was not as eye-catching. The graphics on the other hand... Character models would jump from incredibly detailed to, as someone put it, PS3 era quality.

All in all, I feel this game had some potential but fumbled it pretty hard. If you consider buying this game, definitely get it at half price or less.

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2023
