was not as crazy about it as others but it's a genuinely good non-predatory game made in recent years with characters you care about. that's a lot to ask for nowadays and i'm glad there are games setting that standard still.

main missions are the strong suit imo but i didnt really feel the urge to explore or do any of the collection missions

swinging around felt good of course but there wasn't much intrigue in actually landing somewhere if you weren't doing a mission
then again it's an open world that isn't supposed to be more than it is so i respect it
3:49 PM
i think that the combat just didn't make me feel cool or special despite all you could do with it

Combat system is not my fave honestly
Oval - Get Well Soon Brooksy · 3:50 PM
yeah witcher 3 is a combat system that i like in comparison
it's not always you get an awesome animation where you split someone's head but when you do you feel like you've fought an exceptional fight
3:51 PM
doing the v-trigger or hurricanrana on the 5th thug wears thinner the more you play and i think that has to do with not enough variance in enemy types, finisher moves and the fact that you can choose to do the finisher moves (and do them very often late game)
Thumbs up
3:52 PM
then again it's not shallow in that department either i just never felt that rush

i did play the entire game start to finish on the hardest difficulty fwiw
and didn't think it was particularly hard
but yea the polish and the overall experience is great
maybe i'm just not fully into the genre. though i was more into the arkham games
returning to backloggd tonite

TLDR; Good game and I recognize why it's called great. I'm definitely recommending it if anyone's in for a fun action game. I just never got all too excited about playing. If I wasn't doing story, I couldn't find myself to care about anything, and to be honest, it's not like there weren't tedious sections in the main story either.

Reviewed on Oct 21, 2021
