God, this game was so fucking boring. Almost every single element about Uncharted 1 is as dull as dishwater. The puzzles are unimaginative, the setpieces & landmarks are superficially nice-looking but defined by boring visual ethos (ooo, brown-gray ruins, ooh forest level), the automated-ass platforming is not only uninvolved as hell but wound up ruining 'climbing sections' in games for well over a decade after the fact. It's all Tomb Raider but less effective, Tomb Raider for insecure chuds whose masculinity felt threatened by Lara Croft and would much rather empathize with a snarky psychopath who white-mans his way through everything. Nathan Drake's personality is Marvel quips and one-liners; apart from a somewhat-endearing nerdy affinity for ancient history (and even that never threatens to feel truly 'geeky' because god forbid Nathan Drake be a filthy history weeaboo), Nathan Drake has absolutely zero humanity or depth outside of casual murder and sarcasm. His old adventurer buddy and intergenerational friend Sully "dies" in a confrontation with some asshole venture capitalists, and five minutes later Nathan Drake is quipping with the white girl the game wants to ship him with. And then when her life is in danger after the two get violently stranded and separated, Nathan Drake's focus shifts towards following some clues about his latest treasure hunt instead of prioritizing the actual human being in danger at that very moment.

He is the definition of toxic masculinity, concerned only with himself and his interests while still being painted as the lovable hero and role model. Lara Croft may be a privileged, rich white girl, but she's also an intelligent, empathetic humanist with friends she cares about losing and (usually) legitimate threats to deal with. By contrast, Nathan Drake's adventures are little more than vanity projects and power fantasies where he gets rewarded with bros, hoes, and untold riches galore in spite of his inherent lack of humanity, empathy, and class. It's satisfying to see Lara defeat her jackass enemies, but it's unnerving to see Nathan gun down scores of minorities and thugs just so he can live out his "modern-day Francis Drake" wet dream fanfiction. He'd be a compelling villain in another world, but in the current, flawed reality we live in, he's a blandly-written and unlikable manchild we're supposed to idolize. The combat also fucking sucks and I can't even remember a single tune from this game. Man, I hated this more than I thought I would. Absolute chudpilled drivel

Reviewed on May 11, 2024
