vn for bitchless guys during christmas that has miscommunication issues

that said it's well written, i think. i liked it when i read it 2 years ago at least.

this is the only dlc i bought and the only dlc i need

i think i passed out when i saw fuyuko dancing

yuri has led me to games i wouldn't play even if it was free

i played this a lot in the hospital. i still don't know why.

not to be one of those people but NO ONE GETS ELISE THE WAY THAT I DO

soyosaki made me get back to this franchise help me

i'm tired of unserious parody evns bc most people who play these kind of shit are ppl who dont read vns but anyways this has toxic yuri and actually surprising endings so it's ok

edit: when the vn u kinda dont like has a shitty creator lol lmao