What the hell happened to Trunks in Xenoverse 2? How did he become such an incompetent butt-monkey? Seriously, what did they do to my favorite time-traveling Saiyan warrior?

Back in the good old days of the Cell Saga, Trunks was a badass. He sliced through Frieza like a hot knife through butter and took down Imperfect Cell with ease. He was the epitome of cool, with his Super Saiyan swagger and a sword that could cleave through mountains.

But fast forward to Xenoverse 2, and what do we get? A bumbling, useless sidekick who couldn't defeat a Saibaman without tripping over his own feet. I can't help but scratch my head and wonder, did Trunks accidentally stumble into a wormhole that sucked away all his fighting skills?

Jokes aside, it's like he forgot everything he learned from Future Gohan. Instead of being a formidable warrior, he spends most of his time flailing around and relying on the player to save his sorry ass. Talk about a fall from grace.

And don't even get me started on his "role" in the story mode. Trunks, the supposed time-traveling hero, is reduced to nothing more than a glorified errand boy. He runs around collecting Dragon Balls, fixing history, and uttering the same generic lines over and over again. It's like the developers took the Trunks we knew and loved and replaced him with a cardboard cutout.

So, what happened? Did Trunks suffer a severe case of amnesia? Did he accidentally trade his fighting skills for a sense of perpetual clumsiness? I don't know, but whatever the reason, it's a shame to see such a beloved character reduced to comic relief.

yea and the combat is ok

Reviewed on May 21, 2023
