I loathed this game, it’s such a bore and a drag that I couldn’t stand any of the aspects that I even found endearing. The pacing is painfully slow and the side quests (and main missions) are a bunch of fetch quests that are recycled over and over.

The story was interesting but it wasn’t enough to keep me going through this slog. The first half of the game is an egregious example of almost everything I hate in a video game. I just couldn’t do it and the combat got really stale, especially fighting enemies who tanked my attacks. The boss fights were uninteresting and frustrating. Not because they were hard but because they were tedious and had gimmicks that prolonged my attempts at defeating them.

Kaine and Emil are cool I guess but I didn’t care for the main character or his annoying little sister. The time skip half way through the game (at the fucking 10 hour mark!) was a relief and I started to enjoy the game somewhat until we started having to backtrack and all that. I finally gave up with the Forest of Myth, having to read all of that made my eyes glaze over and I didn’t care enough for what was happening in the game. I kept getting the riddles wrong because my mind was wandering about due to my immense boredom. I decided to call it quits after 13 hours of playing a game that I didn’t enjoy at all.

I wasted my time because I thought I was gonna love this game given that a lot of people I follow give this game high marks. Hey, maybe I’m just a cynical piece of shit who hates fun but for me this wasn’t fun. I can see the appeal but I’m not patient enough nor nearly invested enough in the gameplay or the game’s story to really endure for this. It didn’t help that despite the game, graphically, is appealing the washed out color palette is not. I nearly fell asleep twice playing this game, no joke. The music is fire though, it probably some of my favorite tracks in a video game. Hopefully Automata is much better, if not then I’m just gonna throw my plans of playing Drakengard out the window as well lmao

Reviewed on Aug 01, 2023

1 Comment

10 months ago

@yoitsshiki yeah I realize I may have been a little too harsh with this game. I might just do what you suggested but I’m gonna take a lil break before I decide to pick it back up. I was talking to one of my friends about it too and it just seems like I was approaching this game all wrong.