Hoshidora my beloved <3

I love most of the stuff in this game, besides the gacha rates. Im a big fan of equipment gacha games as opposed to character gacha. The 3d models are very nice, the stamps are gorgeous and cute, and the gameplay is fun. The story has too much goose-chasing, but the interesting parts are indeed very interesting.. Who would have thought ATB style battle would work this well in DQ? Well it does. Playing this in multiplayer with friends over Discord was one of the best gaming experiences of 2020 for me, and since the game closed down globally, I've been playing it in Japanese with some other Discord friends. There's so much more content it's insane, in Global we didn't even have a fraction of what they have in Japan.

5/5 even now that I can't play it in a language I understand.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2022
