enjoyable gameplay loop and actually genuinely funny sometimes but it does the annoying thing that a lot of sex-comedy stuff does where it can't commit to either sex or comedy and ends up falling flat on both counts.

like, there's nudity, but it doesn't feel particularly sexy? the nudity feels more like i'm at a life drawing session. additionally, all the "love interests" kind of have the same body type with a notable exception and some incredibly surface-level differences like bust size which i find lazy and boring. it might just be because i'm not attracted to any of the men's default looks and i'm not attracted to women period, but the Sex Stuff gets exhausting pretty quickly and i ended up just kind of coasting through it.

it's like the game expects you to find nudity inherently sexy which ... i just don't? all the other sexual stuff seems like it's expecting you to take it as goofy-sexy, which i would be all for if it actually landed, but it's like the mannequin version of eroticism - too clean and polished.

the comedy i did generally enjoy, but the Sex Comedy all falls sort of flat because there wasn't really a punchline with any of it. the punchlines were like ... "heh, penis." i love dirty jokes and sex comedy but again, found that pretty lazy.

oh, also, one of the outfits turns one of the characters into markiplier, which is a full star off. i hate that.

Reviewed on Jan 28, 2022
