The problem with 2D ninja games is that you have to answer a very difficult question: why shouldn't I just go play Shinobi 3 instead?

Ultimately, it feels a bit less than the sum of its parts. Shinobi with a grappling hook; it's like some other freak read my mind and manifested my dream game. Maybe that's why I feel lukewarm about it - it hits the right notes on paper, but it doesn't quite come together the way I would've wanted. The "exploration" focus just kind of feels tedious, particularly on repeated attempts through trickier stages. Structurally, it's just not that interesting to me to backtrack through levels to collect keys and unlock doors. There's too much waiting, for hazard cycles, for hostage takers to show their weakness. I can see how an adept player might navigate more efficiently, but the penalty for mistakes is too high and the busywork of reloading too odious to go for the risky strats. Wish I loved it, but I don't.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2024
