In the first level of this game you:
Fight a giant robot (metal gear) with nothing but a samurai sword
Block the giant robot's giant sword with your (much smaller) sword
(This whole time an insane metal song is blasting through your speakers)
Straight up lift the giant robot off the ground and throw it into the air
Leap onto the robot mid air and cut his arm off.
Then chase a crazy cyborg warmonger who fights with giant scissors through an African city
Turns out the giant robot survived so you fight him again.
This time he shoots a hundred missiles at you so you jump onto and across the missiles in mid-air like Gru in Despicable Me
Finally reach him and cut his other arm off.
He's still going so he bites you and throws you onto the side of a clock tower.
Then he starts blowing up the clock tower with missiles and laser beams so you run down the side of the tower as it's falling apart
Finally reach him and cut him in half.
Chase the scissor guy again and jump onto a train
Watch him kill this guy.
Then you fight the Brazilian samurai guy and he kicks your ass
Then you're saved by your Russian friend.

Granted, the levels aren't always this jam-packed with action set pieces but it definitely sets the tone. This game is one of the best action games of all time. So many memorable bosses, a fun and addicting combat system, interesting dismemberment mechanics on enemies, fun weapons to choose from, ICONIC characters and dialogue, unbelievably cool character design, cinematic cutscenes and a banger soundtrack. They don't make games like this anymore.

Reviewed on Mar 07, 2024
