It's really a shame how under the radar this game is. From it's cartoony Saturday morning theme story, to it's clever puzzles, and it's stylish look, Zack and Wiki is easily one of the best puzzle games on the wii.

Zack and Wiki goes for a more point and click style of adventure game, opting the wii mote as it's closest counterpart, remotes. While the game does have a child like nature and wonder, the puzzles themselves are far more challenging than they appear, often asking a lot of forethought about the actions you take before and after. While a hint system certainly is there, their are just some clues that are a little more obtuse or confusing in terms of how to interact, but these moments are usually few and far between. On top of this, each puzzle has a certain amount of points to collect, often given the full amount when you are able to do puzzles fast enough and not make too many mistakes. This in turn helps provide for some fairly interesting replay value as the game also has secret treasures to find on each map and collect, making you think extra hard on top of the usual puzzles.

While you won't find a lot of action in Zack and Wiki, the humor, art style , and puzzles are more than enough to burn this charm game into your heart.

Reviewed on Jun 02, 2021
