It's so weird to play this DLC expansion because it honestly just reads like a fanfiction of a self insert Mary Sue character. Nazamil is honestly a fairly interesting character, and while the story itself centers around her, it really doesn't give much actual attention to her that isn't overly explained. Despite this, I honestly think this plot line would have made a better part 2 to Tales of Arises story over what we actual got for it. At the least, the weird racism issues that the main game has are less awkward as it focuses more on mix race and excluding others rather than just straight oppression which is not Japanese writers strong point.

As for the actual content in the game? I guess, it's best to say that we got more voice acting lines and side quest content, but comparatively there just isn't much here. Nearly everything in this DLC is either shortened, reused assets, or don't feel distinct enough to really feel like the pricing reflects what customers want from an expansion. Nazamil is pretty much the start and end to everything new here, and while there is plenty of nice little things to her, the fact we don't get to play her to any degree or even get new team attacks really sours what could've been a nice addition to combat that would have main things feel different compared to the main game.

Still as awkward as some of the story elements, characterization, and shipping is; I don't see Beyond The Dawn as a bad addition. Compared to the 2nd part of Tales of Arise's story it's at least tolerable and you can see what they were trying to go for. As well, this is still Tales of Arise's combat here, and just like it's main game, it really saves it here because it really is a fun system to mess around with, and any excuse to do so is welcomed in my book. If you're able to find this on sale or can't get enough of the Tales of Arise characters I think Beyond the Dawn is worth the buy curious moment.

Reviewed on May 19, 2024
