I'm kinda shocked how easy this game is in comparison to Dragon's Lair I and II. Legitimately I'd suggest everyone to play this game in Ace mode if you can as any lower cuts some actions scenes and they are just too nice to miss. It's not as good with sequences as Time Warp is, but you also don't need to collect anything either so it makes for a rather simple game you can enjoy and not stress about. Sadly I don't think we'll ever get another Space Ace or Dan Bluth game for that matter, but these were a ride to playthrough, and I'd suggest anyone to play Time Warp or Space Ace as they are both good games (as long as you know where to get the treasures in Time Warp). The original Dragon's Lair is still pretty bad, but it at least paved way for these two gems.

Reviewed on Jul 05, 2021
