If you've never moved before, I don't think Unpacking will resonate with you as much. It's not even a matter of the game not being impactful so much as it's nostalgia that Unpacking can only hit if you have been through the process of moving your life into a new place. Unpacking is, of course, a game entirely about moving from place to place over the years as we watch a femme someone move, and see their interests grow and needs change. It's a mixture of your own personal feelings, subtle storytelling, and visual placement that all works together to make your own experience with it.

Unpacking is a simple concept of a game, as you literally are just unpacking everything, and figuring out where things go. From time to time you can find different items in boxes where they don't belong recurring items that keep showing up, and expanded interest in the characters desires. It really is a neat and novel game that works as a psuedo puzzler, as figuring out where to put everything in your house can often be. What makes Unpacking more captivating however is that you are following a single person throughout the years, and watching them grow. In a way this can be a trip for those that moved to college or moved in together with someone, and that's kind of the magic of Unpacking. While you are helping this person unpack, you can also be called back to the times you had your first move or dorm or apartment. It's simply being able to relive the excitement, and troubles of starting over again.

Visually the game looks pleasing using a pixel like artstyle, and the music is usually just some beeps and boops that can be relaxing. Honestly though, looking at Unpacking as strictly a game, it doesn't have a lot going for it. When you start to not think of Unpacking like a game, that's where I feel the game thrives the most. The enjoyment really is on the player, and their own experiences with moving, and for a lot of people being reminded of a fresh start is all it can really take to uplift your spirits.

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2023
