I always thought that Turtles in Time just had a port on the Genesis, but when my friend told me that it was straight up a different game. Not really in the sense that it wasn't as good as Turtles in Time, but that I didn't know a different Turtles Beat'em up was around. As much as I do think this is a cheap imitation of TMNTIV: Turtles in Time , it's still a pretty narly game.

By all means, the music, sprites, and levels weren't as memorable as Turtles In Time. Sadly, this is mostly due to this games difficulty and length. While the levels are longer than Turtles In Time, Hyperstone Heist has about half the levels IV did and the difficulty just isn't up to par with usual beat'em ups. While I'm usually a big fan of easier games, the problem with Hyperstone Heist is the lack of any challenge causes for a lot of moments to be fleeting rather than memorable. Boss aren't nearly as interesting either, and with a lot of them just having boring attack patterns and just being bigger punching bags; leaves for little impression on what otherwise is a good roster of baddies.

Hyperstone Heist still has it's own identity and merits as a beat'em up. It gives us some neat new stuff, and at times can be just as fun as it's SNES counterpart. Really it has all the DNA of what made Turtles In Time as good. Using the same kind of sprites, game mechanics, and presentation. If that means that it may be a shorter, slightly easier, and a different game, I'm all for it. Variety is the spice of life, and hey, can you really be mad at having two cakes?

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2023
