one of the best games i've played in a long ass time. the PvE experience allows arrowhead to build a set of game rules unlike none other. most multiplayer games have friendly fire disabled, it's not fun losing to another group of people just because someone wasn't paying attention. helldivers 2 on the other hand, embraces human error. you will absolutely call down orbital bombardments on people standing too close, and they have to haul ass while being shot at in every direction. that's what's fun about it! the lack of boundaries and exceptions for how a gun works or what causes damage means everything is so much more open for the player to have fun.

it's also really awesome to see the movement mechanics from metal gear solid V make their way in here. MGSV isn't everyone's favorite, it's true, but the gameplay was super fun and let people come up with all kinds of unique play styles that worked to a player's advantage.

the setting is awesome, the music is awesome, the stratagems are great. helldivers 2 is a genuine innovation for video games as a whole.

hopefully the success of this brings back AA video games, we clearly need more

Reviewed on Apr 08, 2024
